
HetaOni (Hetalia x Reader x 2P!Hetalia)Ch. 16 pt 4

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

---Chapter XVI: Darkness (Part 4)---

///Canada's PoV///

"....Care to explain what I just heard, Russia?" I asked in low voice, clenching my fists tightly.

For a short moment, he looked shocked at my sudden action. He seemed to have waved it off immediately and just wiped the side of his bruised cheek, glaring at me angrily. "I don't think I have to explain anything to you." he replied.

The Russian man stood up and faced me. Using his height, he glowered down on me, making me step back a bit. "..How...How could you say that? How can you even do this!" I demanded.

"Because I can, that's why. This game we're playing is something I enjoy. If you don't like it, then just stay quiet in some corner just like you always do." Russia said, looking at me in a mocking manner.

Disregarding the insult he threw at me, I spoke, "What kind of game are you even talking about? And why are you working with the Second Players on this?"

"This whole thing is just a game to us. Well, it was supposed to be. Right now, I'm not that sure anymore. But I don't care, really. I'm having my fun. If anything happens, we could just have Italy restart it. That's how it goes, so you've no choice but to deal with it." he told me coldly, dusting his clothes off and readjusting his scarf.

This is just unbelievable. What does he mean by that? 'This is just a game to him, and he's having fun'?

While I was thinking to myself, I noticed that Russia was about to leave the bathroom. ".....Russia." I called out, making him stop and turn around to face me.

"What? You do know that I won't change my mind about this game. There's no such thing as 'compromise' in Russia. And if you dare tell anyone else, I might just snap your tiny Canadian neck right off." he threatened, leaning back on the door.

I simply gave him a blank stare. ".....Are you really having fun?"

"Da, I--"

"--are you having fun seeing everyone else lose their lives? You may have lost yours, and it seems like it doesn't really faze you as much...But don't you feel anything about everyone else's condition? Do you honestly think that Italy didn't suffer restarting time and going through all those loops? Did it ever occur to you that there were times where Italy would go back in time just because you lost your life? Was all that just for you to think of us as nothing but your toys? Your pawns?" I asked as I approached him.

"Like I said, I don't need to tell you anything." he stated monotonously, but looked away.

I was going to pursuade him further, when I noticed something.

Crossing my arms, I spoke, "...Really, now?

....If you're not going to tell me....then at least tell everyone who had been listening in on us from the other side of that door."

The unexplainable change in Russia's expression was something that I've never really seen before. At first, I thought it was shock, or anger....but then I realised...'s fear.

The tall Russian man suddenly stepped away from the door, allowing me to take the chance to turn the knob and open it.

The look on everyone's face was pretty easy to read. They all heard it.

Grabbing Russia by his sleeve, I shoved him out of the bathroom. My anger hasn't dissipated the slightest.

Walking out of the bathroom, I saw so many rising emotions in everyone's features. I don't know if they were going to react the same as I did, or worse. All I can say is that all of their gazes were directed towards none other than Russia.

"You.... You" Romano spat out, sending a glare like daggers. He was beside his younger brother, Italy, who was clutching onto his arm.

England shook his head in disbelief. "What the...bloody hell were you thinking??!"

" j-just..." Russia began to stammer, looking like a deer in the headlights as he was surrounded and cornered by the other countries.

America, who was supposed to be in bed, walked over to check the commotion. He wasn't able to see that very well without Texas, but he sure can hear. And what he was hearing may not sound good, but he knew it had importance. "Guys...what the hell is going on..?" he asked, squinting a little to try to get a clearer view.

"What the hell is going on?! What the hell is going on?" I suddenly bursted out, slightly scaring the other countries with my change in character. "What's going on is that we're being played by that--that bastard over there!!" I yelled, pointing at Russia.

Widening his sky blue eyes, America looked like he was going to thrash the place and probably  punch Russia in the face like I did. Turning to the Russian man in the centre of the commotion, America shouted, "You...WHAT?!! After everything we've all--you! What--What's wrong with you?!!!"

" guys don't understand...." Russia tried to defend himself.

France ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, "Mon dieu! What's there to understand?! That you've lost your mind? You were talking to them behind our backs...and were playing with us like we were your toys! Don't even deny it, because we've heard it! We heard how this is all just some game to you!"

"Alright! Alright!! I did, okay?! I did say that!" Russia yelled angrily, but then caught himself and spoke softer. "......I did...but I just.... I just..."

"Just wanted to what?! Fuck around with us?! You think that putting us all in more danger than we are already in would be fucking alright??! You think that it's damn easy to be in my fratello's place with all that rewinding of time and shit? HUH??! HUH??! What?!" Romano shouted angrily, slamming his fist on the wall.

Spain tried to calm down the Southern Italian. "...Roma..."

"I can't believe this... What's your reason, then? Your case is not like (Name)-chan's. Both your sisters are outside, not held against their wills or anything of the sort. You weren't forced to do it....You did it all on your own accord. So...why?" Japan asked calmly. He seemed to be handling this better than most of us. What's he's doing is right, to be honest. We won't go anywhere if we just keep on yelling at him.

All of us expectantly looked at Russia, who simply looked down, wanting to bury his face in his scarf. ".....All this time.... I just wanted to spend longer time...with you guys...

Back then, I thought of so many ways to get you guys to be my friends....because I knew...that having friends is nice....but....none of you ever wanted to. You guys have your own set of I wonder to myself, 'where are mine'?

Time and time again, I would ask you guys if you would all like to become one with Russia, but no one would accept. I would ask myself why you guys wouldn't want to all just live under my roof so that we can all enjoy and have how friends do.

When we entered this mansion, I didn't really think any of it that much. I just wanted to have an excuse around you guys more. But then...

...then I happened to encounter one of the Second Players in the mansion. At first, I was hostile against him, not even accepting the cupcake he offered, but then...he gave me a proposition."

"....What was it about....?" Italy asked.

Russia looked down and continued, "....That if I help them out, we'd stay here in this mansion longer. Because....the longer we are in this mansion......the longer the time I get to spend being around you guys..... And I did so, in hopes that by spending more time with you guys...I'll be able to become....


There was a long silence that broke out in the room. We couldn't even comprehend why Russia's reasoning was like that. It was something we deemed to be just shallow and childish, but...looking on it carefully, the man was serious about it.

We knew how the topic of relations and friends would be to Russia, but since he was found to be quite intimidating by most of us...we just try to steer clear of him. Doing that wasn't nice, I know. It's also partly our fault for not even trying to reach out to him as much as we did to others...

But...but what he had done...was still nowhere near what was 'right'.

Breaking the silence, China clicked his tongue and looked at Russia. Seeing how the Russian looked like he was already at his breaking point, the Chinese man decided to press him further. China gave a heavy sigh, then spoke,  "AIYAH! What kind of twisted way of trying to make friends is that, aru?!! Look at all of us! There are monsters out to get us, dopplegangers wanting to kill us, and a girl held against her will--which you KNEW about---and you're saying it's all for that reason, aru??! Why would you do that--"

"--I don't know anymore, okay???! I was wrong! I was completely wrong about everything! I just made myself believe that I'm simply playing a child's game--but the truth is, I'm...lonely...and I'm desperate....and I'm tired of always being left out in the cold....Da, I'm strong....but what's the point if I'm just all alone?! And now that you all know that--you'll all hate me more than ever. I just wanted to.....I....just..." Russia's lips trembled, disabling him to speak any further. He looked so....vulnerable.

Then, something happened that we've never expected to happen in our immortal lives.

...To see Russia cry.

That moment, we didn't know what we were supposed to do next, really. What were we to do? All we did was just break him down. I'm starting to feel a pang of guilt, actually. Being stuck in this mansion is one thing, but seeing a whole other side of a person is another. We all exchanged glances, motioning each other to do or say something.

It was then that China suddenly knelt down beside the Russian that we felt things move to a different direction.

".......Why would you even do that...." China rolled his eyes for a moment, but then his face softened as he placed a hand on Russia's shoulder.
"......if  I was already your friend?"

Wiping away the tears, Russia gave the Chinese man a confused look. "H-Huh..?"

Prussia slowly stepped forward and scratched his head. "Russia....we have all the reasons to be fucking angry at you---and we're not saying we aren't--but China's right....

If you wanted us to be friends....why didn't you just say it outright?"

Germany nodded. "It's...It's kinda uncomfortable for me to be friends with you as a country....but as a human.....I'd be okay being friends with Ivan." he told him.

"Ve~ I'm with Germany on this. I'd want to be friends with you, too, Ivan!" Italy beamed in a comforting way.

China gave a small, but reassuring smile. "That's right...we're your friends here."

"I...I don't understand. I th-thought you guys hate me now? I've done something gravely against you guys...and yet...why?" Russia asked us in between hiccups.

It was then that I realised something important. As soon as I did, I was finally able to let go of my anger and take in a deep breath. Meeting Russia's gaze, I spoke out loud, "We're....We're mad, yes. But we're mad at what you've done...not who you are as a whole. What you've done was totally messed up and got ourselves hurt and all that...but we understand your reasons...and we're fellow countries here. Well, we could even say that we could get along as humans, too. If you only trusted us to be here for you...we could've trusted you. We could've gotten through this easier."

"You guys..." Russia managed to say as he wiped away his tears and slowly stood up.

Russia each gave us a grateful look. It was like his happiness was radiating. But moments later, his soft expression changed. "I'm very thankful for everyone's understanding...but...I've got something important to say to you all."

I furrowed my brows. "What is it?" I inquired.

Looking down, Russia replied. "It's about (Name)."


///Reader's PoV///

"(Name)..." I spoke softly.

The younger version of me stood before me, childishly playing around with her frilly red dress. "What is it, (Second Name)?"

"...I...well...what are you, exactly?" I asked hesitantly, trying not to meet her gaze.

The little girl paused, then looked down. "...You're weird, asking me that this late."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" I said, confused by the girl's change of mood.

Not looking up, she spoke, "Well, when we first 'met' in this mansion, it was as if you didn't recognise me at all..."

"O-Oh...That's probably because I lost my memories that time. I'm alright now, though." I explained.

She faced me with a sad expression on her face. "If I were to tell you what I exactly am...I'd say.... I'm like a wish."

"A 'wish'? I don't understa--"

"--Say, (Second Name)... I want to ask you a question." the little girl said tugging my sleeve.

I wanted to ask her to explain what she meant earlier, but I gave in. "What is it?"

"Would you want to stay in this mansion...forever?" she asked me clearly, determination evident in her eyes.

Taking a few steps back, I gave her a puzzled look. "Wh-What are you talking about? Of course, I wouldn't!"

"Are you sure?"

My thoughts started stir in confusion when she asked confirmation. "I..."

"Why wouldn't you want to? Aren't you having fun? You get to spend so much time with people you find important to you. You've made so many memories, friends, and maybe even more than that. You've found something special here, haven't you? Don't you want to hold onto it?" the little girl asked me.

Though she had a point, and that I was astounded by what she said, I just shook my head. "Though it's true that I've made so many happy memories here...I can't bring myself to disregard the fact that this place is still dangerous. This place has caused so much pain to so many people, that's why I'd want to have all of us escape this mansion together really soon."

"No...but...if you will can keep all the happy memories and forget about all the bad. You can make all memories happy in time. If you will it, you can be happy in this mansion. Always. That's can stay here...for as long as you like." she told me.

I knelt down in front of her and placed my hands on her shoulders. "...But that won't be 'reality', anymore."


"A place where there is only happy memories and good's not 'reality'. I never said I wanted to forget the bad memories in this mansion, to be honest. It's those dark times that we where able to come together and search for a light. Even the bad memories hold good, in a way. It's what makes this..." I paused and gestured around me. "...all this, a 'reality'."

The younger me looked away. "'re supposed to be me someday...but I don't really get why you're like that."

Listening her say that, I couldn't help but chuckle. "You'll understand when you're older~"

"How are you so sure of that?" she asked.

I smiled and stood up. "Because I'm you, silly."

"Right, right." she nodded. Then, she sighed. "Ah, but...if that's how you feel, that person will surely--"

A knock on the door was heard, so I turned around and walked towards it. The door opened, revealing a certain strawberry blond haired man.

"Ollie!!" I exclaimed happily.

The blue-eyed Brit seemed to be as ecstatic, hurriedly glomping me with all his might. "Oh my! Poppet, you're really back to normal! You remember me again!"

"More than ever." I said, returning the hug. He broke away from the embrace and gave me a strange look. "To think...we have actually known each other longer than we knew."

Nodding, I gave him a small smile. "Yeah... Oh, where are the others?"

"They're preparing to head downstairs." he replied, looking away.

My eyes widened. "They are? What for?"

"We're going to meet up with the First Players, poppet."

"'W-We'? You mean me and...all of you Second Players??" I asked, honestly shocked.

Oliver nodded. "That's right. Funny thing about that, poppet. It looks like we were able to make an agreement amongst each other."

Hearing that made me feel like a large weight was taken off my chest. "R-Really?! That's wonderful, Ollie! I knew this day would come!!" I beamed.

The strawberry blond haired man was in a daze for a while, but shook his head and turned to me with a smile. "...I'm happy for you, poppet." Pointing at the door, he asked, "Well, shall we go?"

"Oh! Hold on, I need to talk to--" I turned around to find that certain little girl in the red dress, but just like how it was before, she suddenly disappeared. "....huh?"

"What's wrong?" Ollie asked.

I felt bothered by the fact that this event has happened twice already, but I decided that I should shake it off my mind for now. "It's nothing...I meant...Let me get my bag first."

Walking towards the other side of the room, I picked up my unzipped bag. It still remains a mess, but hey, who even has the time to organise their bag when you're in a place like this? ...Though I did feel a bit guilty about what I just said. I 'fixed' the items inside and zipped up my bag. As I slung the straps over my shoulders, I remembered something about its change in weight. "Oh, that's right...I forgot to look for it..." I mumbled to myself.


"O-Oops! Sorry to keep you waiting!" I apologised. The both of us left the room and we walked down the hall where I hear familiar voices.

As we got closer, I saw that it was the some of the Second Players. "Ohh. There ya are, dollface." Allen greeted with grin on his face.

The other 2Ps turned to look at me, making me quite nervous. Usually, I felt awfully intimidated by them when in their presence, but's quite different. When they faced me, their expressions showed me a sense of familiarity, maybe even recognition. We exchanged our greetings, then our attention was brought to the certain door on the hallway floor. I remembered that, it was the same door the little me and I went through. It was already open, possibly meaning that the other Second Players already went down.

Which is probably why a certain auburn haired Italian that I wanted to have a word with, wasn't around at the moment.

While I was thinking to myself, I failed to notice that the Second Players have already went down. Well, all except one.

"Are you sure you want to be left behind? It's not like you can jump from this height, you know." I heard a low voice.

Feeling the awkwardness around us, I shook my head. "I-I thought there was a rope around here that I can use to climb down..." I said, looking down through the door.

"Hm. That'll be unnecessary. It's too time consuming." he replied.

The next thing I knew, I wasn't able to feel my feet on the ground anymore. Probably 'cause I got lifted up by a certain someone. "K-Kuro! Put me down!" I exclaimed.

"Nonsense. You've no other choice. Besides..." the Japanese man trailed off.

I creased my forehead and urged him to continue. "Besides...what?"

"...We've acted in a quite dishonourable manner towards you before, even though you weren't supposed to be treated as such. I need to win back my honour, even just by this." Kuro told me.

Sighing, I gave in. "Fine. But it's your loss, I'm heavy, y'know."

"No, not really. Soft is a more appropriate term." he smirked as I gave out a yelp when I felt him squeeze my thigh. "Hey!!" I scolded, feeling embarrassed.

He just chuckled as I puffed my cheeks. "Well, it's time. Off we go." he said as he jumped down. I didn't really know what to expect from the jump, so I shut my eyes.

"You can open your eyes to see how fabulous I am, hon~" I heard as we landed. I opened my eyes to see Flavio giving me a big smile. "You're always fabulous, Flavio. I don't need to doubt that." I told the blond Italian as Kuro set me down on the floor.

We were in that room on the fifth floor with the red carpeting and the large cell that still held a lot of onis. I knew that it won't be a problem, since they're stuck there. Looking around, I saw the Second Players standing together. Waving at them, I felt elated when I saw that they smiled at me and waved back.

Turning around, I saw something that really brightened me up. On the other side of the hallway were the First Players.

"You guuuys!! You're really here!!" I called out as I ran towards them.

The First Players' faces lit up as I went to their side. Prussia was the first one to approach me and enveloped me in an...awesomely suffocating hug. "Fraaauuu!" he cried out. Though I was equally happy to see him, I spoke out, "A-Ack! Prussia, let me breathe.."

"O-Oh, sorry. I just thought you needed an awesome hug right now." he apologised, scratching his head.

France stepped beside us and placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's good to see you, ma belle."

"It's good to see you guys, too." I smiled, feeling my lips tremble a little.

America went over to us and squinted his eyes. "I'd say the same thing, dudette, but I need to be reeaal close to ya first so that I can see clearly." he said, giving me a goofy grin.

"Wait, America...your glasses..." I pointed out, starting to feel sullen as I recalled what was important about his spectacles.

Giving me a thumbs up, America just winked. "It's OK! Instead of worrying about my Texas, I'd rather have you talk to a certain sulking Canadian somewhere..." he said, motioning at the corner where Canada stood.

"Huh? Sulking Canadia--!" I paused abruptly. My heart felt like it's being enveloped by guilt as I remembered my last conversation with him back when I didn't have my memories. "Oh my gosh, that's right! I-I'll be right back!" I said, scurrying towards the corner.

I felt quite unsure of myself as I began approaching the Canadian. What should I say? I should apologise first, right? Or, uhm, should I explain then apologise...or the other way around? Or maybe I should just talk to him casually...ah, no, uhm... I have no idea...

"H-Hey, Canada..." I stammered. It's not how I usually am, but I just have no clue how to act after saying such things to him. "Listen, I..uhm, I'm sorr--"

Canada shook his head. "There' need for you to apologise, (Name)." he told me, smiling kindly. "You lost your memories that time. It's not something you had control over."

"Yeah...but still..." I frowned. Looking down, I spoke, "...I'm sorry if I ever made you feel forgotten. It was really painful to realise that I've done something that could cause that. Ah, but I've got my memories now! That means I won't make the same mistake again. This time, I'll make sure I won't forget you, no matter what."

"I feel happy to hear that." he gave me a smile and nodded. There was something odd about his smile, though. I can't tell what it exactly was. " said, 'no matter what', eh?"

With a sincere expression on my face, I made a peace sign. "Yeah. Why?"

"N-Nothing. It's just that...I hope that it will hold true until the end." Canada said, not meeting my gaze.

I tilted my head. "..'Until the end?'.."

Before Canada could respond to my question, I felt someone tap my shoulder. As I turned, I saw that it was a tall, Russian man wearing a tan uniform coat.

"Oh, hello, Russia." I greeted him. He simply gave me his usual childish grin. "Mind if I hug you, little sunflower?" he asked me courteously, spreading his arms.

I smiled at the gesture. "It's okay with me." I said, being pulled into a hug. I felt some sense of security, being wrapped around the arms of a big person like Russia. It feels warm. I really can't help but smile to myself.

"Thank you..." Russia murmured as he hugged me. "And...I'm sorry."

"What?" I questioned when we broke the embrace.

Just what is going on with these guys? Is there something wrong? Did I do something? They're giving such a strange vibe for some reason. What's going on?


That voice... "Luciano..." I whispered. He just entered the room from the room where the key was supposed to be. Why was he there? Is this it? Have the 1Ps and 2Ps made up and ready to leave this mansion? I hope that's the case.

But what he held wasn't a key. No.

It was my laptop.

"Wh-What the?! Why do you have my laptop with you? I was wondering where it went." I said, walking towards the auburn haired Italian.

Just then, Gilen, Andres, and Francois stood in front of me, preventing me from getting closer to Luciano. "Sorry, can do." Gil told me in a sullen tone.

I looked around me, First Players and Second Players surrounded me. They were all smiles just a few moments ago...but felt something like sadness. "What going on with you guys?" I asked.

"Well, we've done some observations and puzzle solving on our own, too. We've discovered that there must be a link amongst you and your laptop. After gathering information and carefully studying it, we were able to take Plan B into action." Lutz elaborated.

I took a step back. "Plan...B?"

"Using your laptop and, well, the magic that the two Englands possess...we were able find a way to open a portal back to your world." Zao said, hiding his face using his cap. Nikolai simply nodded, as if confirming what Zao had told me.

I gasped. "Y-You guys did?! That's...That's amazing. Oh wait, so that means that all of us will have to go there to get out of this mansion?"

Looking around, my heart pounded as I saw everyone shake their heads, 'no'.

"Then...then what's the point of that, then?!" I exclaimed, pointing at the laptop held by Luciano.

From the 1Ps side, I saw England approach me in a consoling manner. "(Name), love...I'm sorry, can't hide the fact that we know you are starting to understand what we're trying to do..." he told me, a sad glint seen in his emerald orbs.


No. It can't be...

Turning to face the man whom I presume should be able to hold the answers I want to know, I spoke, "....You''re kidding me, right..?"

Magenta coloured orbs stared down at me as the Italian man spoke, "Miraculously, we all actually agreed on something...and that's for you to leave."


I felt so numb after hearing it with my own ears.

They're...going to send me back home...but they're going to remain here in this mansion.


Luciano handed the laptop to Oliver, the turned back to face me. His face simply looked stoic. Emotionless. I, on the other hand, was overflowing with it.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!!" I shouted, grabbing on to his collar angrily. "This?! After everything that just happened...after everything we've been're going to do THIS to me??!"

He didn't answer me at all. Shaking him, I demanded for an answer. "I understood how I want to leave this mansion...together...with all of you guys? Don't you guys understand how you all matter to me, too? That's can' can't just..."

That was when Luciano started to react to me. I thought he would push me away, or tell me off...but he didn't.

He simply pat my head gently.

"I'm sorry...but clearly, you don't understand either." he said, his magenta coloured orbs staring down my (e/c) ones. "...Don't you understand that you matter to us, too? That's why we're doing this. At this point, none of us here know how to escape this mansion anymore. Now that you have a chance to leave, we want you to take it...for your own safety. We can't bear see you...die again, ragazza. ...It's too painful."

"But we can still figure other ways to--"

"All of us believe that there's no more time to do that. We can't afford to miss a single moment to send you to where you wouldn't be in danger. If you haven't noticed, we care about you, (Second Name). That's" Luciano told me, placing his hands above mine that was previously grabbing his collar. "If you leave this mansion, we're sure you will be able to continue. You'll be able to live. That's what matters to us right now. That's why..."

Without giving me a chance to know what's about to happen, Luciano let go of my hands and took a few steps backward. "That's why even if it hurts to let you go, we'll do it."

Suddenly, I heard a strange noise from behind me. When I turned around, I saw England and Oliver, both holding up my laptop. I looked at the screen and saw a familiar window...."HetaOni". On the screen, an option was selected,

"Quit Game"

My eyes widened as I knew what it meant. "N-No! I don't want to--" I tried to reach out to them, but I was immobilised. It was as if there was an unseen barrier surrounding me. "Wh-What?!"

"....Poppet...I'm sorry. At first, I completely disagreed to this...but then I realised that it was selfish of me. That's why..." Oliver's lips trembled. "That's why we want you to be safe. To be able to live."

England nodded. "Strange to hear from me, but I agree with him, love. Think about yourself for a change. You are still a fine young lady, and as's our duty to make sure you'" he said, his voice sounding like it was cracking at the end.

Shaking my head, my eyes started to water. "No!... No....But I.... I....." I wanted to go to their side, but the barrier was preventing me to do so, making me even more miserable.

England and Oliver performed their spell together, causing some strange soft light to surround me. I looked at them, seeing the equally pained expressions on their faces. "I...I want to be with you guys...even just for little longer....! I...I want to live..." I croaked out, tears streaming down my cheeks. "...I want to live...but I want to do that knowing that you guys are well, too! Please... please let me stay...." I choked out.

"J-Japan!" I called out, gaining the attention of the Japanese man. "Japan....tell them!"

Japan hesitantly faced me and asked, "...Tell them..?"

"Tell them...that I belong here with you guys. ....I belong, don't I...?" I said, my tone starting to sound desperate and pleading.

Looking away, he replied, "...You do."

"See! I do--"

Meeting my gaze, Japan continued, "...You do...belong with us....but not here inside this mansion, (Nickname)-chan. Every one of us here believes so."

I wanted to respond further, but I was no longer able to.  

The light felt so warm as it enveloped me, almost like it's consuming me. The last thing I saw, would be my own laptop in 1P! and 2P! Englands' hands, where they both pressed Enter to execute, "Quit Game"

I slowly closed my eyes. I knew the next time I'll open them...the harsh reality will welcome me back. A reality where I will be safe, but my heart scarred.

If there was a game screen for them right now, I know exactly what text it will show them:

Parted from (Name)
Previous: flamehazelollipop.deviantart.c…

Next: flamehazelollipop.deviantart.c…



I know, it's been a long time since I updated.....I blame it on school. :iconorzplz:

Sorry, I haven't had much time for this, I've been focusing on my studies, so expect slow updates. 

About this chapter:

Okay, I must admit, this chapter isn't as good as the other chapters. :iconyuicryplz: In a way, the thoughts are disorganised because I wrote this on different days. Usually I would spend a whole day on a chapter part so that the ideas are together...but I think it's alright for it to be different. 

I mean, it is going towards a different direction now.

Don't get mad at me for that, okay?! XD Worry not, this story will still continue. Though you will supposedly be back to your world, while the 1Ps and 2Ps are stuck in the'll be able to see them again soon....well, probably. *evil author laugh*

>>> Simply put, this chapter has three err, what do you call it, parts..I guess.

:bulletpurple: Canada exposing Russia for working with the 2Ps behind their backs. The 1Ps getting mad, making Russia cry. All 1Ps getting along and understanding what friends met when it comes to accepting each other's faults and mistakes.

:bulletred: Little Reader and you. I honestly believe that if people only have or hold on to  happy memories, then they're not really living a reality. 

:bulletblue: Parted from (Name). This will signal a new arc for this story for the Reader, as well as the First Players and Second Players. I mean, Reader was sorta like what tied the two groups together. Now that she's out of the picture, will they get along? Or will they go back to harboring hate on one another? What about Reader? Will she be really be back to her world? What then? Will she be able to find a way to go back to the mansion? Would she want to go back to the mansion? 

It is up to you to decide, (Name).


Well! That's it for this update! 

I'll see you all very soon~



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are very appreciated! 

Tell me if you guys have any opinions on the chapters and also tell me if there are some confusing parts so that I can edit them for you~


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HetaOni's author is Tomoyoshi.
The English conversation was from the English project of HetaOni by Pianodream and Neokyno.
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TheUnfortunateLover's avatar
*coughs blood* M-My kokoro dokis..., W-Why must you break th-th-them?!?